Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My NEW life!

It's been a while...
That I have not written something...

So, here I am!
Back again....
Writing about my new life. :)

My new life...
It is sweet, it is sour...
It comes with new relatives, a new home and a new car. :P

It is cheap, it is expensive...
It is all about take and GIVE, GIVE!!!

It is beautiful, it is ugly...
It comes with a PRINCE and his responsibility!

It is good, it is bad...
It keeps changing the mood from happy to SAD! :P

It is nice, it has spice...
It teaches you to smile even if you are unhappy at that particular time!

It is true, it is false...
It gives you no time for your pals. :(

It is real, it is unreal..
Believe me, it is all surreal!!!

It is believable, it is strange...
Makes you feel how come everything has changed!!

Hmm... so it is my new LIFE!!

 A BRIYANI with either less or excessive SPICE!!!