Wednesday, September 19, 2012

When you and your friends get married!

Here's a snippet from the usual conversation of married friends sitting in a coffee 'bar' shop:  :P
(Disclaimer: STRICTLY FOR MARRIED PEOPLE. Useless unmarried souls will not be able to empathize with the plight of helpless married owls!)

So, the first sip of coffee begins with...
'Gone are those days...'

- When we had less money, less clothes, less stress but somehow our life moved in our own ways!!

The second sip of coffee begins with...
'Do you remember that incident?'

- When we carelessly, recklessly drove our old cars and didn't really bother about giving it a dent! (If you drive your husband's car, you will be able to relate with it :p) 

The third sip of coffee begins with...
'Do you remember that friend?

- Who came to your life, gave you a special memory and got lost in the den!

The fourth sip of coffee begins with...
'Oh! I can't forget that...'

- When we were in school, college... laughing at each other (LIVE) without a need to TAG!

The fifth sip of coffee begins with...
'Oh! He was so cute!'

- This time, I better be mute! :) :P

The sixth sip of coffee begins with...
'Gosh! This is irritating! That is irritating! Uff! Everything is irritating!'

- And, there were days... when we used to say 'F**K' the world... let's continue with our quest to dating!

The last sip of coffee begins with...
'Wish it comes back'

- 'It' was life... no comments on that! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My NEW life!

It's been a while...
That I have not written something...

So, here I am!
Back again....
Writing about my new life. :)

My new life...
It is sweet, it is sour...
It comes with new relatives, a new home and a new car. :P

It is cheap, it is expensive...
It is all about take and GIVE, GIVE!!!

It is beautiful, it is ugly...
It comes with a PRINCE and his responsibility!

It is good, it is bad...
It keeps changing the mood from happy to SAD! :P

It is nice, it has spice...
It teaches you to smile even if you are unhappy at that particular time!

It is true, it is false...
It gives you no time for your pals. :(

It is real, it is unreal..
Believe me, it is all surreal!!!

It is believable, it is strange...
Makes you feel how come everything has changed!!

Hmm... so it is my new LIFE!!

 A BRIYANI with either less or excessive SPICE!!!